

Written on 3:07 PM by Jim Harmer

We're excited to have Ben and Laura here. They'll be here for a few days and then Janis, Hailey, and their foreign exchange student, Arina will get here on the 20th in the afternoon. We're really excited to have family here! Be warned, though. It's starting to get really hot. Bring on the SPF 9000.

The job hunt continues. I've applied all over the place, but this week I only had two interviews. One was stocking the dollar store until 2AM for minimum wage and the other interview was to work at a women's shoe store for minimum wage. Both only offered 20 hours per week. I haven't heard back from either one since the interview. Hmmm... I thought education was supposed to HELP you get a job. My bachelor's degree seems to have had the opposite effect.

Other than looking for jobs, we've just been hanging out like beach bums. We really got bad sun burns this week. I even got blisters. We went and had dinner with a couple who will be going to the law school here. It was nice to finally see some people our age since everyone in town is so old.

We're liking the ward. Last week the EQP came up to me and gave me my home teaching route of 4 families before introducing himself or welcoming me to the ward. It felt like something from Single's Ward. Very nice ward, though.

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  1. Serenity |

    Those pictures are really neat! Good luck with the job hunting... That's tough business. Ruger is such a cutie!!! Wow, really a cute little guy!

    Emily you're funny! Jim tell Emily that she's funny.

    Hope you guys love Florida!

  2. Rachel |

    Don't take it personal about the job hunting. I'm sure it's just because its for a short time and they probably don't want to go through the hiring process knowing they are going to have to go through it again in a few months. I hope something comes through for you!

    Em, way cute shirt!! The yellow one.


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